Monday, March 28, 2011

Did Britney Write Her Songs? I Guess I Don't Care

March 28 -- I just clicked on to get onto this blog.  I was also searching the home page to find any information about Obama's speech tonight regarding Libya.  Luke said he listened to it in the car on his way home from his tutoring job.  He said it was excellent.

So as I was looking for the Obama article, I saw even more important news which received top billing on the home page for -- apparently, sources say that Britney Spears hasn't written the bulk of her own music or lyrics.  Critics are calling her a "puppet."  Wow.  I am not sure I will be able to fall asleep tonight now that I have that incredibly revealing information.  I mean, goodness, my vision of her is now shattered irrevocably.  Oh wait a minute.  I never had a vision about Britney Spears.  So I guess this revelation leaves me safe and mentally intact after all.  Whew.

I guess what does bother me is the question -- do people really care?  Should I care?  Because I have to be honest here.  I don't.  But like a man flashing in front of me, I didn't invite the information into my life but now I have seen the vision.  And I am kind of grossed out by it.  Largely because I can't help but wonder why this information is so important for the public to know.  If people like her music, they like her music.  As for who actually writes it?  Does it matter?   I mean I am certain her family cares.  And maybe Britney does.  After all, this is how she makes money and if it comes to light that she really doesn't have any musical talent after all...gosh, it's just crazy to think about the ramifications this public undressing (no pun intended) will have on her future musical (ahem) artistic efforts.    It makes me think of that poor guy several years ago who was caught lip synching his music while someone else actually sang it.  See?  I can't even remember his name.  Somehow, that actually makes me happy.  I didn't care back when his fake music issue was publicly revealed either so I apparently (and fortunately) deleted his name from my personal hard-drive.

I have been thinking a lot lately about higher level learning.  About teachers who motivate their students to think critically, to make predictions, to create solutions to problems.  In short, to use their minds to create a better world.  I am truly wondering where this information about Britney falls in the effort to inspire the children/adults in this country to become smarter and more productive citizens.  I guess it is up to them to ignore it or understand that it is not news per se -- it's schadenfreude.  (The act of finding joy in someone else's demise.) Hopefully they will read it and move on quickly to other topics.  I believe that too much focus on subjects that are personal in nature and truly not meant for public scrutiny is like eating sugar.  It's a quick and nutritionally empty high.

So on to more substantial stuff.  Tomorrow I will consider Plato's New Republic.  Critics say he never got out of the cave after all...I am pretty certain I read that on

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