Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daylight Savings Day -- Spring Forward

March 13 --  When I consider the expression, "Fall Back; Spring Forward" I have to admit, I cringe.  It's the 'spring forward' part that makes me question the validity of all of this clock maneuvering.  Spring forward to what exactly?  As if we aren't busy enough already with everyone's very full schedule...we have to leap toward more of it?  As the days get longer, the events pile up -- spring season is my family's busiest time of the year when all the kids' schedules just explode.  In addition to their seasonal sports there are all the traditional end of year activities -- dance recitals, band concerts, awards nights.   And to top it all off, this year we have two graduations.  Two.

As we wait to hear the final responses from all of the schools Luke has applied to, I feel like I am in this eternal waiting game but I am rushing forward all the same.  It's surreal actually.  So even though I do like more daylight, I am not welcoming this "springing forward" concept at all.  Sometimes, I feel like I am moving so quickly, I don't even have time to breathe.  And that's not good at all.

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