Thursday, March 24, 2011

PIcking A Paint Color with Squinty, Tired Eyes

March 24 --   As I always do, whenever I start a little decorating project, it always escalates.  I tell myself I won't do it, but inevitably, one furniture move leads to another, leads to new pillows, etc. ultimately ending with some sort of painting project.

So here I am standing in the living room, now turned study, squinting at the book case and the 20 some odd color swatches stuck in various spots.  I had to repaint the back of it anyway to fix a spot our contractor messed up but while I was considering that repair job, I thought of this new awesome decorating idea.  Brian thinks I am crazy.  I have so much going on right now, my head hurts.

But I told him the truth -- decorating calms me down.  It makes me happy.  It's like a drug.  I am not spending exorbitant amounts of money on shoes I already have or clothes I won't wear.  I am feathering my nest and trying out creative urges.   If I didn't do my "duties" like apply for new jobs (which pay more money!) or do the job I am hired to do right now, or take care of the kids and so on, then yeah, I shouldn't dream about this new decorating project.  But I get my responsibilities done.  With a few minutes to spare for daydreaming about creative ideas.  It all works.

So I continue to squint but I am exhausted.   I will think about this some more...tomorrow.

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