Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Bear Ate Our Homework

April 12 -- Tonight Tessa was late for trumpet lessons.  We raced over to the university as fast as we could for her weekly lesson with Larry, the best trumpet teacher ever.  As Tessa walked in I could hear her say quietly, "I'm sorry I am late."  Good girl, I thought.

When she was done with her lesson, Larry leaned out of the doorway and looked over at his next student, a teenage girl who was sitting patiently next to her father.  Then Larry looked over at me and grinned.  "Today I heard the most unique excuse for being late, ever!!!"  "It's true," I said as he laughed out loud.  "It really is!"

I knew he was referring to Tessa's excuse for our tardiness.

Tonight, as we were preparing to leave for Tessa's lesson, the dog started barking at the back door.  Connor started to yell.  Luke started to yell.  (Brian was on the phone with someone from godaddy.com who had called minutes earlier.)  I ran into the kitchen.  "It's a bear!" Connor screamed.  I looked out the window and sure enough, there was this huge black bear sauntering around our driveway.  "I am soooo not going out to the car right now!" I said as we watched him meander throughout the yard.  The bear was huge.  Huge!  As I observed the bear from the safety of my dining room window, I couldn't help but admire  how gracefully an animal that big can move.  And how quickly.  When it decided it had enough with our yard (and that the chickens were unreachable in their coop) he took off into the woods so fast, it was almost hard to imagine he was ever there.  (Fortunately, Luke documented his visit with his phone camera.)

I have to say, because we live near the state forest, it's not the first time we have seen a bear in our yard.  It is, however, the first time a bear made us late for trumpet lessons.  Oh well.  There's always a first for everything.

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