Monday, April 11, 2011

A Warm Spring Day, and Lily Is Attacked

April 11 --  So much for taking the kids away from the computer and tv screens and going for a hike in the woods.  What started as a time for fresh air and conversation with Tessa and Riley and the dog, ended in a horrible scene for everyone.  As we finished our hike and came out of the woods, we put Lily's leash on her.  Then we walked down the street a bit and started up our driveway. That's when the first dog came running over to Lily.  We shouted at the dog to send him home and before we all knew it, the neighbor's husky had run through the electric fence and was on top of Lily, growling fiercely.  She attacked Lily on the neck.

My kids were unbelievably brave.  Tessa shoved the husky dog off of Lily, literally pulling her up by the scruff of her neck and pushing her.  I grabbed the Husky after that but because the other dog was growling and shoving his way toward Lily, we all were screaming.  Riley laid on top of our dog to protect her and then picked her up when I told him to grab her.  I shouted to a neighbor for help (I admit, I was crying at this point) and he came over and grabbed the husky.

Poor Lily.  She has bite marks on her neck but the bleeding stopped. I think she will be fine.  But I am furious.  We were on our own driveway.  With our dog on a leash.  I know that the dogs' owner felt terrible.  But he better do something.  Put the dog on a leash.  Increase the electrical charge of the fence.  I don't care what he does.  But if they do nothing?  I will go to the authorities.  This is ridiculous.

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