Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 111

April 17th -- this is my 111th entry.  It seems like a really big number but the reality is that time is passing by so quickly I feel like it was just Christmas.  But it is, actually, nearly 1/3rd of the way through the year.  Crazy.

My sister asked me today if we were going to have a graduation party for Luke.  Although I am well aware that it is official that with the college deposit paid, he is indeed leaving high school for college, I still find it remarkably hard to believe.  The weird thing is that he turns 18 just before graduation.  So it is two hits in one.  It makes me feel so old...I know it sounds cliche but truly, he was just a baby!   And I was just doing study abroad for God's sake.  And now he is dreaming about it?  Planning for it?  Unbelievable.   As for the party -- yipes, I am not a good, relaxed big party planner kind of gal.  I am wondering...maybe he would just take money.

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