Monday, April 25, 2011

School Again and Everyone is Tired

April 25 -- So last night Tessa couldn't fall asleep.  She was totally wired from excitement about her first game today (which they lost) and going back to school.  I told her she would be okay -- just really tired tonight.  Sure enough, she was the first one up to bed after dinner.  The kid was exhausted.

So is everyone else.  (Except Luke who is totally on this stay up late kick getting ready for college and all...)  The kicker is that Brian and I have decided -- based on the kids' sports schedules and stuff that we are going to try to get to the gym at 5:30am.  Which means waking up at 5am.  Yuck.  But it would be great to get the gym effort in before the day begins.

We'll see how that goes...!

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