Sunday, April 24, 2011


April 24 -- Had a great day with the fam today...there is always something interesting that pops up whenever our family all gets together.

Godchild Aaron told me I remind him of the mother on Modern Family.  I don't know.  I don't see it.

Krista was abuzz with wedding plans.  I still can't get over the absolute miracle of her connection with her fiancee.  The guy is amazing.  Truly.

Apparently all the kids watched the last episode of the Office, the one where everyone starts singing a good bye song to Michael (Steve Carell who is leaving the show.)  I guess Riley cried at that part.  That kid -- he is such a sensitive soul.

High of the day -- coming downstairs to see the Easter gift Riley bought me yesterday.  He was so excited about it, I made him move away from me at church last night and sit next to Brian.  I knew he would crack and tell me the surprise before this morning.  Anyway, he bought me a bouquet of flowers and left it on the island with a hand made card, "just hopping by to wish you a Happy Easter!"  So cute.  Now that kid is gonna make a great husband someday...  :)

Luke told everyone his official college plans.  It was so nice to see my brothers excited for him.  It is their alma mater after all.  My head is spinning with college stuff.  And I learn new things every day.  Oh well.  All part of life.

I am grateful for it all.  The good and the bad.  Truly.

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