Sunday, April 3, 2011

"Salt" If it were a guy it would be different.

April 3 --  We just saw the movie, "Salt" with Angelina Jolie.  For the first twenty minutes Tessa watched but then she went up to bed.  For the rest of the movie it was me and three males watching this action packed thriller where a female CIA agent/Russian spy takes down like 30 guys to save the United States from complete and utter destruction.

Of course it was unrealistic.   At first I kept saying to the boys, "hey, stop groaning.  If it were a male lead in this movie and he was jumping from the top of a truck to an oil tanker to another truck (on a highway) you would believe it!  Just because it's a woman..."  But even I got kind of jaded after awhile.  As amazing as Angelina Jolie is with all of her children and charitable causes, I just had a hard time when she punched a guy once in the head and whoa...he is out stone cold.

Nonetheless, it was nice to see a woman kick some ass.  It's actually quite amazing.  Even when she is bloody and has her hair dyed jet black, she just manages to always look so darn pretty!  Impressive.

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