Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Parenting Decisions -- They Never End

April 13 --  I have been procrastinating tonight.  I logged onto this blog site, hit the "new post" link and when this new blank page came onto my computer screen, I balked.  I couldn't write.  So I got a new safari page and googled "contemporary pendants" to shop for new lights for the kitchen.  That got boring so I came back to the blog.  Problem is, I had no idea what to write.  All I kept thinking about was this latest issue with Luke.

Turns out, Luke wants to go visit his girlfriend at her college next week during break.  On Saturday.  To come back on Sunday.  Easter Sunday.  At first I was thinking...he is almost 18.  Next year he is away from home.  If they do anything at college, it's not like they couldn't do it here at home.  She is a very nice girl and I do like her.  As far as missing the holiday, or being late for it -- he could be in a research program in a different country next year at Easter, who knows?  (that's a stretch, I realize, but again, the point is that I do expect the time will come when he will miss a family holiday.)   But...when we talked about it, I started to think about that weekend.  We have church on Saturday night.  It's a huge mass -- the Easter Vigil.  And then there is the little Easter basket hunt on Sunday morning.  And I realized that at this time in our lives, I don't think I am ready for Luke to miss that.  I am definitely NOT ready for him to miss mass.  So we thought about this for awhile.  We went back and forth.  I wonder, why is it so hard to say no?

But we did.

Maybe he will go another night.  For now though, the family holiday remains a family holiday.  For now.

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