Thursday, April 7, 2011

I am Afraid of Monica

April 7 -- I really hope that Monica never reads this.  More than likely, she never will.  First of all, she is a lot younger than me, she listens to music I would never listen to unless I was forced to and, she doesn't know me.  So how do I know her?  ANd more importantly, why am I afraid of her?

She is my spinning teacher at the gym.  And really.  I am afraid of her.

It's not like I am afraid she will beat me up.  And she is about average in how hard she works us.  (Terry is much, much worse and I am not afraid of her!)  No, I just recognized that she is one of those people I am afraid to say anything contradictory to.  Even when she asks us to.

Monica:  Tell me if the music is too loud.  (She puts her thumb down to show that we want her to lower the music.)

Me:  (sweating like crazy during a "climb.")   Cricket, cricket chirp, chirp.  (And all the while I am thinking, ouch!  The bass in this wild heavy metal song is totally killing my eardrums!!)  But I say nothing.  Not a sound.  (unless you count heavy breathing.)

After the class Monica says again, "if anybody wants me to change the music, let me know!"  And she has this sweet, chirpy voice that almost makes you believe she is telling you the truth.  But I know better.  I saw her shut down the blonde bride-to-be who is clearly spinning so she can fit into her wedding dress come August.  She went up to Monica after class last week and asked for Britney Spears.  "The new album is soooo awesome!" she cooed.  I was walking by to get my paper towel and the cleaning spray to wipe down my bike.  I couldn't resist.  "You know, they say she doesn't even write her music."   The wedding planner pouts.  "So what?  It's great music!!"  Monica, who only seconds before asked for suggestions, cocks her head and looks at the Barbie Bride.   She grins widely.  And then her face gets totally serious.   "Ummmmm, no, " she responds.  I looked over at Barbie.  She had this frozen smile on her face as though she were totally confused.   "Really?" she tried again.  And Monica shut her down.  Again.  "Ummmmm. No.  No Britney.  Sorry!"  She added with a smile.

Yipes.  I get the shivers just thinking about another class with wild heavy metal songs.  Monica yells out to us, "Listen to the words!!  Get pumped!  Let the music guide you!!"  And I am thinking, are you kidding me?!  I can't even tell what they are saying!"

Maybe next week I will get the courage to go up to her after class with some other suggestions.  Like Rocky.  Or Flashdance.  Or...maybe not.   Like I said,  I am afraid.  I am very afraid.

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