Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sex in Croatia

April 5 --  Okay, this blog is absolutely not about sex.  I am saying that in the very first sentence because i want to make it perfectly clear right from the get-go.  One of the things that I have noticed about this blog writing adventure is that I get a ton of hits from some of my titles that have national (or international) allure.  The Britney Spears one has been quite popular.  I don't plan this.  It just happens.

And today I noticed that someone read my blog in the Ukraine.  And in Croatia.  Seriously??  Do they even understand it?  How cool is that?  I had three hits from Denmark.  I love Denmark.  (Do they have sex in Denmark?  Of course they do.)  Oops.  I said this blog wasn't about sex.  I lied.

Okay I will come clean.  I have absolutely nothing of value to write about tonight.  I just wrote a really emotional email to someone who is going through a very difficult time with her teenage son.  I know a lot about going through tough times with a teenage son.  It's not a happy or pretty subject.  But she called me today and asked me for advice. So I gave her some for what it is worth.  But I can barely keep my own parenting head above water so it wasn't an easy email to write.  And when I wrote the email, I used up all of my writing passion and energy.  So now I am writing this blog and I have nothing left.  I am empty.  Naturally, I thought about sex.  Who wouldn't?

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