Thursday, April 28, 2011

Guys Weekend

April 28 -- There was a time when the thought of Brian leaving for a few days really freaked me out.  But these days, we are both running around like crazy people and we barely see each other anyway.  So when he came home today and packed for his annual golfing weekend at the Cape I was like, have fun! Cya!

It's always amazing when the guy leaves.  He packs.  And goes.  When I go anywhere, there is the long list of coordinated rides and pick-ups for the kids, lists of things they have to bring to school, pack for their friends etc.  Seriously.  Tomorrow Connor has a pasta dinner for lacrosse.  It's on the family schedule.  Nevertheless, there is no way on God's green earth that Brian sent me an email reminding me what we have to get for Connor to bring to the dinner.  No way.   Or Tessa's tourney on Saturday.  Because of conflicts, I can't get her there. Did Brian coordinate a ride for her?  Of course not.  He does not have to sweat that detail.  Mommy does.

To his defense, he did ask the boys to try and figure out where the opening is for the septic tank to prepare for having it cleaned out next week.  I'll give him that much.  I can honestly say that has never, ever been on my list of to-do's to prepare the household for when I go away.  But for all intents and purposes, it is amazing how much easier it is for the Dad to pack and leave than the Mom.  I am not sure if that's good or bad.  Gotta think about that one.

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