Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Office

April 20th --  I just fell asleep on the love seat in the family room watching an Office re-run.  The love seat.  The reason I am repeating this is because I think it is an important detail not to be overlooked -- mainly because I am taller than the love seat. Ergo, I was in a somewhat cramped position and managed to pass out (completely -- I missed almost the entire episode) even though I was half way scrunched up with one leg dangling off of the end of the couch.  Not the most relaxing of sleep positions...

My point?  I am so incredibly exhausted.  We came back from our (very fun) very brief "trip" to NYC this afternoon and just dashed right back into the craziness of life.  (Not that NYC wasn't crazy -- there were lots of bizarre situations. Lots of 'em.)  So now we are back in the fray and I just -- for the first time ever -- fell asleep during The Office.  what can I say?  It happens.

Hopefully tomorrow, I will have more energy to write a somewhat legible blog entry.  Fingers crossed.

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