Friday, April 22, 2011

Sudden Death

April 22nd -- When I was growing up, my childhood dream was to become a professional tennis player.  I would spend hours and hours practicing with the Tretorn tennis trainer, slamming the ball in my parents' driveway, and dreaming all the while about meeting Chrissy Evert.

But when I played the game, the place where I always panicked was when we were tied 6 all in games and had to play a "sudden death."  It always gave me the chills.  And I would inevitably choke.  Seriously.  It didn't happen a lot but my record on wins in sudden death was slim to none.

I don't play tennis anymore or if I do, we certainly don't keep score.  It's all I can do to keep the ball moving back and forth across the net.  But the expression still haunts me.  Maybe because I am getting older and more and more people I know are actually dying, a sudden death.  Most recently, I discovered that the wife of a sweet guidance counselor at my school, died suddenly without any warning, this past Tuesday.  I am totally shocked.  It's really unbelievable.   She was only 61 years old.   Al and his wife were busy preparing for their daughter's wedding.  I just talked to him about it last week.  In fact, one of the last things I did before I left for vacation was to talk to Al.  We set up a meeting for this coming Monday at 11am to update the other guidance counselors about the Independent Study I am doing with some juniors.

When I read Ann's obituary, I was horrified to see that the funeral is scheduled for this Monday... at 11am.

My heart goes out to Al and his family.  It is so sad -- holding a wake for his wife was the last thing he had planned for this Easter weekend.  I am thinking about that expression -- sudden death.  In tennis, it is because it goes very quickly and when it is over, someone has lost the set, and often the match.  I guess, in a weird way, it really does echo the real life meaning.  Except in this instance, it's the people who are left alive who are the ones who lose.  Instead of celebrating a win, they must work through grief and sadness.

Like I said.  It's an expression that will always give me the chills.

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