Saturday, April 16, 2011

We Enroll Luke in a College -- yipes

April 16th -- It's official.  Today, when we were at Open House, we wrote a check for Luke's college deposit.  He is an official college incoming freshman.    Overall, we had a great day.  Everyone we met, everyone we spoke with (including the students we met casually beyond realm of volunteers helping out for Open House), everyone seems to love it there.  So when the time came, we went over to the Bursar's booth and wrote the check for his deposit.

It was actually rather painless.  So quick, I didn't feel a thing.  But I am unbelievably exhausted.  This search of Luke's and ours took us to all sorts of places literally and mentally (and spiritually!)  And he ended up signing on with the school he favored the least (although he favored all of them actually, just some more than others.)  Ironically, I think it's an excellent choice for him.  Cost wise, it is the best deal and since it is an excellent school, it's a great decision for all sorts of reasons.

I am happy for him, but nervous too.  But what scared me the most today was sitting in the back seat of my mini-van while he drove Brian and me home on the highway, in the rain.  Brian actually took a photo of me at one point while we were crossing the bridge, I think.  I am curled up in the seat, terrified.  I was terrified!   It's the first time I was with Luke while he drove through heavy city traffic on the highway.  But he got through it.  And so did I .  And I do believe he will get through all this college stuff too.  I just hope he believes it as well.

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