Friday, April 8, 2011

Book Club - Tiger Mom

April 8 -- Tonight was book club at Dana's.  I love bookclub;  everyone is so nice and smart and insightful.  We read Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and it was a really good discussion.  One of the things I realized about the book is that I want a do-over.  Not so much a do-over for raising my kids, although there is a lot I would love to do differently now that I have this "tiger mom" perspective.  No, I would want to do my life over.  I look at the author, Amy Chua, and I am amazed at how much she accomplished, is accomplishing, in her life.

But then again, it's not in my gene pool.  For the daughter of European immigrants, I guess I came out alright after all.  I think so anyway.

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