Friday, April 1, 2011

Smoking Pot in a School Bathroom? Never a Good Idea.

April 1st --  I wish this was an April Fool's joke but it isn't.  Sadly, a boy I have known since he was in kindergarten, a boy I like (and still do!) was caught smoking pot in the school bathroom at middle school today.  He was with two other boys,  one whom I have known since before he was in kindergarten.  It just breaks my heart;  it really does.

First of all, what were they thinking???!  I know that kids go through this period in life where they think they are invisible but seriously, did they not think that the smoke from the pot would like, smell?!  That a teacher or innocent student might stumble upon their illegal maneuvers?  Of course they were going to get caught!  How could they not?  They were in the public school bathroom for goodness sake!

What I find most interesting is how upset Tessa and her friends are.  Maybe the word I am searching for is "hopeful"  instead of "interesting."   I am glad they are upset.  That they think it's awful and sad.  I do too.  No 13 year old should be experimenting with drugs.   It's just sad.  It really is.  I couldn't say this to Tessa but honestly?  In this day and age, it is a scenario that could have just about anybody's kid playing a role.  I do not, for one second, believe that my kids are angels.  No way.   It's like that expression "there by the grace of God go I..."

But I will pray for that little boy -- he is little! -- and his family.   From the sounds of what went down after he and his friends were caught, it doesn't look good.  He is going to need all the help he can get.

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