Sunday, April 10, 2011

Much Ado about Nothing to Write About

April 10 --  I can't believe I have been writing this blog for three whole months.  The worst part about it is when I have moments, like right now, when I sit down to write my daily entry and I have like, absolutely nothing to say.  Truly.  I am exhausted.  I just wrote this long emotional email with an attached letter to someone whom I have had a conflict with (based on my kids)  for a while.  I said a quick prayer and then sent it.  Except, it hasn't gone out.  As I sit here typing this blog, I am watching the little spin thing in the email box -- it just keeps turning and turning.  It's like the mailbox knows the email is emotional and dramatic and is hanging on to it...

yipes.  It just went out.  Ugghhh.  I hope it lands well.

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