Thursday, April 21, 2011

So Apple is Stalking Us? Geesh. Somebody Needs to Get a Life.

April 21 --  I read today on that Apple Inc. is being investigated because somehow, it has been determined that Apple can track where people are going throughout their day via unencrypted code on iPhones and iPads consumers have purchased.

Quite frankly, beyond my initial horror at the thought that there is an actual "big brother" concept in the works in today's society,  I find the whole idea of someone tracking my daily activities rather hysterical.  Yeah, I read 1984 and one of the things that cracks me up is the idea that someone would find my daily movements at all interesting.  Seriously.  I go back and forth to the school, to work and to various sports fields or music lessons.  Sometimes to the gym.  And the post office.  I walk the dog.   And sometimes I go to CVS.  Or maybe (on really exciting days) to the doctor's office.  Woo hoo.

Or track Brian's day.  To the office.  To a sales call.  To another sales call.  To a client.  Back to the office. To the sports field.  Home.  Wow.  A tantalizing day filled with amazing information for whatever marketing database is being fed with this "tracking" information.

I have this image of having my thoughts "watched" by the Orwellian Apple Thought Police.   I can hear them evaluating my thoughts now... "Oh there she is, freaking out again about how her sons keep forgetting to flush the toilet."  Or, "now she is picking up her kids' laundry and thinking how annoying it is that they can't bring their dirty clothes to the washing machine."  And why does she keep sighing whenever she looks at the shoes her husband leaves at the bottom of the stairs every night?

Yeah.  I've got some pretty stimulating drama in my life.  Along with all the other people who have iPads and iPhones and are trying to just get through every day with some sort of brain power still functioning.

 Poor Apple.  They must be really lonely, really in need of a life.  They must be stalking everyone so they can have a lot of friends like all the people on Facebook with 689 friends;  they hook up electronically with thousands of people they don't know so that they know they are not alone.  Huh.  As I type this blog, they are probably transmitting the information to alien life in another galaxy.  Yup.  I'm sure that's what this is all about.    Uh, oh...somebody might have just read that thought.  I better look out.

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