Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

April 29 -- So today William and Kate got officially married.  How wonderful.  No really.  It's so nice to see a happy couple no matter if they live in Osh Kosh Iowa or Buckingham Palace.  After newborn babies, looking at pictures of happy newlyweds never fails to put me in a good mood.   And after all William and his brother Harry went through with their mother's death, it's a nice thing to know he has found love and joy.

What was interesting to me about this royal hoopla was hearing (or not hearing) the responses from my kids.  Riley was most impressed with the carriage which was allegedly made of gold.  Tessa was wondering what all the fuss was about and why she didn't know more about it.  Luke had a kind of guy response and said he didn't even know what country William and Kate were from.  And Connor was at lacrosse practice and the lacrosse pasta dinner so I didn't see him until tonight.  (Poor kid came home sniffling from allergies and went right to bed so there was no royal wedding analysis from him.)

I don't know.  I have to confess that I think it's kind of a nice distraction.  The romance and glamour of it all -- it's every girls dream to be "noticed" by the handsome prince.  My favorite part though was when I heard that Kate didn't want anyone professional to do her make-up.  She wanted to do it herself.  And she looked beautiful.  Good for her.

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