Friday, December 30, 2011

Almost a Year!!

December 30 -- I can't believe it's been a year since I started this blog.  So much has happened in this past year -- I started a new job, my oldest went off to college, we started to PAY for college, our house had a series of "falling apart" dramas (which unfortunately seem to be continuing!) and many other things.  But mostly the year seems like a total blur.  Which, in a way, is a good thing about this blog.  Even though I missed some days (tired, out late, on vacation and, of course lacking power during the October/November power outage) there are lots and lots of entries which provide testimony to a year filled with many wonderful (and not so wonderful things.)

The older I get, the more I feel like a I am losing my ability to remember what happens in my life.  That makes me sad.  So I guess I am really, really glad I did this project.  Not sure if I will continue it...but i have to say that the one thing it does do is that it forces me to write.  Something that I really love to do.  So maybe I will push myself to keep on writing.  We'll see...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lily Gets Attacked

December 28 -- Lily got attacked by the neighborhood dog again tonight.  Connor was walking her with his cousin who had just arrived for a holiday visit from PA.  The neighbor's white dog got loose and then their husky (who has attacked Lily before) quickly followed, breaking through the electric fence.  She pounced on Lily and on Connor who was hovering over the dog, yelling.  When he let go of the leash, Lily escaped and ran down our driveway to the house.   Unbelievable.  This is the third time this dog has attacked Lily but this was also the worst.  She ended up at the vet because we couldn't stop the bleeding.  She had been bitten eight times which required 10 staples to suture the wounds.  The poor thing has a cone on her head and is limping throughout the house, tail valiantly wagging.  Gotta love this dog.

But I am so mad.  I want to call the authorities.  Our dog was on a leash.  On our street.  What the heck, we can't even take our dog for a walk?!!  I know the owners are feeling badly and they told us they would pay for the vet (which I won't believe till I see the check.  Sorry, I am being realistic here.)

Lily just came in as I was typing this.  Her plastic cone just banged against the desk;  that's how I knew it was her.  This totally sucks.  Totally.  I feel so helpless.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Watching 24 with the kids

December 28th - corrected a couple of papers today, tookLuke shopping,went to a totally amazing spinning class and. NOw I am watching season 3 of 24. Oh yeah, Tessa made dinner for us tonight. As far as I'm concerned, this vacation rocks!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Watching a Movie...on a weeknight!

December 27 --  I watched Bridesmaids tonight with Luke and Connor and Brian.  On a Tuesday night nonetheless...and with Brian having to go to work tomorrow.  How radical!  Seriously, it felt so good to not have to worry about getting up early tomorrow.  I am doing nothing right now and it feels awesome.  Okay, not nothing.  Today Tessa and I cleaned out her drawers and closet and swept and vacuumed (she still has dusting tomorrow -- I'm not talking about miracle work here after all.)  But it was great to do something that I have wanted to do for a long, long, time.  We filled four shopping bags with clothes that either she wouldn't wear anymore or didn't fit into.  Four bags!    I know it seems weird but I feel so much lighter now...I even started to tackle the folders and piles of papers on my desk in my office.  (but I didn't get very far.  I can't rush all of this hard work;  it's exhausting!!)

I can just see myself standing in front of a class and telling the kids what a great week I had because I purged and cleaned my daughter's room.  Hey, I never said I was normal did I??  :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

My new smart phone

December 26 - I think that it's only appropriate that as this year of blogging comes to a close I would enter an even more adventurous realm of technology (for me anyway!)and so I finally gave up my ancient cell phone and got a smart one. Which I am now using to type this entry-yay me. There is so much to learn and I swear that as soon as I figure out one thing there is a new thing to learn! Oh least I figured out how to do this on my phone. Kind of cool- or should I say smart?! Haha.

Friday, December 23, 2011

WInter Break Finally Arrives

December 23 -- I have realized that over the last couple of days I cannot complete sentences.  I start a comment and suddenly, mid-sentence, my voice kind of loses steam and suddenly, I can't even finish the sentence.  I am utterly exhausted and I honestly cannot remember ever being this tired.  I knew it would be hard to go back to work full time and maintain a somewhat firm grip on motherhood but wow... I am majorly out of shape.  For obvious reasons, this deficiency in stamina is highlighted during the holiday season which can tax the energy levels of even the most mellow and under-scheduled of moms.  

Tonight we finish wrapping gifts and then...tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  And my dad's birthday.  I saw him tonight when I went over to my parents to help set up for Christmas Eve dinner.  At one point I came downstairs and found him stealing some pretzels from the snack jar my mom has on the desk.  "Hey," I said, interrupting the theft. "I will see you tomorrow Dad."  And he looked at me, all confused.  "Why?  What's tomorrow?"  I just shook my head and smiled.  "Dad, it's your birthday."    He just laughed.  "Oh yeah?!"  he asked.   It's a fascinating concept to consider living a life where you have no clue you are getting older.  Not something I am living right now -- I am totally aware of my aging body and mind.  Now off to find the tape for wrapping...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cookie Boss

December 22 -- I am so grateful to TLC (I think it's TLC) and its show, Cake Boss.  Tessa and RIley were addicted to it last summer and they are constantly watching the new shows when they get a chance.  The result is that Riley has decided he is a mini Buddy.  Except Riley's specialty is cookies instead of cakes.  I just knew my lack of baking interest was killing him, especially with the holidays approaching.  So for the last two days I have been determined to set aside time at night to bake cookies.  He is such a hoot with his "new concoctions."  I especially liked his butterscotch rice crispy morsels with a "ganache" (his word) topping.  Tessa was like, "ummmm hello Riley, that is NOT ganache."   He just grinned and quietly hid the Toll House chocolate morsel bag behind the napkins.

So now I have about 60 chocolate peanut clusters cooling on the counter.  Tomorrow morning I will pack them and put them into the freezer.  I feel like I am FINALLY getting into the holiday spirit.  Riley and I wore our Santa hats and cranked up the volume on the Christmas tunes while we baked and cleaned the kitchen.  Now I am sitting by myself in the office.  Luke is still at work, Brian is out and the other kids are in bed.  As I write this, Lily is lying asleep near my feet and the Mannheim Steam Orchestra is belting holiday tunes out of my one remaining (working) stereo speaker.  Ho, ho, ho.