Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Tree Shopping -- minus Luke

December 11 --   Today marked the first time we ever went out to pick our Christmas tree without one of the kids.  Since Luke comes home from school next Saturday and he is working on Sunday, we decided we would bite the bullet and head out for the annual tree selection trip without him.  Since there is always a drama and usually a fight (or two), we figured with one less kid, maybe it would go faster or, at the very least, without the usual sibling battles.

We were wrong.

On the way there, Tessa lied (she's extraordinarily gifted) to me in the car in front of everyone about something totally stupid and obvious.  Whatever.  Her choice.  My response was to tell her she was not going to lacrosse this afternoon.  Battle One.

Choosing the tree was nutty as always.  I found a good one right away but nobody wanted to take my choice.  It was too "quick."  Seriously?  Is there such a thing as "too quick" when it come to Christmas tree shopping?  As we trudged through the acres to assess the five hundred available potential victims, Tessa stepped squarely in the middle of a mud puddle and drenched her track shoes.  Why she was wearing them was beyond me but (as mentioned previously) she clearly was not thinking straight.  I was furious because she was going to need them for a track meet tomorrow.  Ughhh.

Lily was a maniac pulling on the leash and stress levels were rising so we suddenly decided to pick a tree which, quite frankly, had this massive gap between the branches.  But we all stared at it and, in desperation, firmly convinced ourselves that we saw no such gap.  Worst case scenario, we drill a hole in the trunk and jab a loose branch in there.  My dad taught me that one...

Connor quickly took a photo with a few of us standing next to the tree and sent it to Luke for his approval.  His answer came back later..."hard to say which tree I like;  I guess I will go with the one that shows half of my family."

And then we got the tree home but didn't have time to put it up.  On the machine was a frantic message from my mother.  So... an unplanned and sudden trip to my parent's house totally screwed up our schedule for tree trimming.   Alas, my mother was upset because in her zest to trim her Christmas tree (with clippers) she cut the wire for the lights.   Sigh.

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