Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Listerine on The Bathroom Rug

December 14 -- I had a revelation of sorts this morning and I have to say, it did not make me happy.  Instead, I guess it made me a little sad.  So I have to kind of process it a little bit...which will hopefully make me feel better.  (somehow.)

When RIley got out of the shower I stopped at the kids' bathroom door and knocked to give him a quick kiss goodbye before I bolted out the door for work.  He was mostly dressed so he opened the door and leaned forward to kiss me.  But then I heard the fan.  It sounded loud and rattlely  (word?)  So I went inside the bathroom and started to bang the plastic covering with my hand so the vibration noise stopped.  It didn't.  "Does it always sound that way?" I asked him.  He shook his head no.  "Ughhhhh.  Please tell Daddy," I said.  I had no time.  I couldn't stop to work on it longer.  As I headed out of the bathroom, I looked down at the bathroom mat and my heart sank.  Maybe a month ago, I noticed that (Tessa I think) spilled some green Listerine on the cream tufted bath rug in front of the sink.  It wasn't a huge mark, maybe the size of two quarters side by side.  But I cannot stand when the bath mats are dirty.  And when I saw the mark, I was like omg, I get nothing done around the house anymore!

As I ran down the stairs, my heart was in my stomach.  I do realize that it's just a small stain and not an earth shattering dilemna but to me, it means that my life at home is beyond my control.  The sad thing is I am so flipping tired I can't deal with it.  I ignore it.  And then...a month later, I notice it again.  And the quiet little voice in my mind says "what is the matter with you?  You used to have a clean house!"  My friend who is home full-time has a gorgeous house.  She is constantly making updates to make it more clean and more perfect.  My house is DEFINITELY imperfect.  That's a tough statement from someone who made money as an interior decorator.  But...I think this is my life lesson right now.  I think that the ability to ride the imperfection wave will make me a stronger and (ha) more perfect person.  Not that I am aiming for perfection.  Just a smidge more control.  (Which I am bright enough to realize is an elusive goal.)

Oh well.  Can't fault a girl for tryin'.  Maybe this weekend, I will do a load of bathmats.  The good news is we are getting company over the xmas break.  A good reason to bolster efforts at cleaning.  Well.  At least I will definitely go after the Listerine spot.  Soon.  Now onto the vacuum cleaning...

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