Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lily Gets Attacked

December 28 -- Lily got attacked by the neighborhood dog again tonight.  Connor was walking her with his cousin who had just arrived for a holiday visit from PA.  The neighbor's white dog got loose and then their husky (who has attacked Lily before) quickly followed, breaking through the electric fence.  She pounced on Lily and on Connor who was hovering over the dog, yelling.  When he let go of the leash, Lily escaped and ran down our driveway to the house.   Unbelievable.  This is the third time this dog has attacked Lily but this was also the worst.  She ended up at the vet because we couldn't stop the bleeding.  She had been bitten eight times which required 10 staples to suture the wounds.  The poor thing has a cone on her head and is limping throughout the house, tail valiantly wagging.  Gotta love this dog.

But I am so mad.  I want to call the authorities.  Our dog was on a leash.  On our street.  What the heck, we can't even take our dog for a walk?!!  I know the owners are feeling badly and they told us they would pay for the vet (which I won't believe till I see the check.  Sorry, I am being realistic here.)

Lily just came in as I was typing this.  Her plastic cone just banged against the desk;  that's how I knew it was her.  This totally sucks.  Totally.  I feel so helpless.

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