Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Visit My Lukie...

December 15 --  I was missing Luke a lot these last few days as I considered how he was both studying for his first set of college exams and juggling his job at the same time.  When we called him (always our effort, he never called here!) he sounded okay, just tired.  But I didn't know for sure.  So we baked him cookies.   Brian thought he could drop them off during the week.  But he didn't.  Too busy at work.  So the cookies sat on the counter.  Fortunately, they were cake batter cookies which always taste better after a few days.  Then yesterday, Riley baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies and I made an impulsive decision to drive out to see Luke and give him the cookies.  Riley and Tessa came along.

When I laid eyes on him I had one thought.  He needs a haircut.  Other than that, he looked and acted just like Luke.  Mellow, sweet, low-key.  I asked him if he was stressed and he shook his head no.  Paused, and then quietly said, "Yes.  Yeah, I'm stressed."   I have to say that I felt for him when we got in the car to drive away.  I tried so hard to be all laid back.  "You will be fine," I told him.  "Go study."   But then he tensed up.  Apparently he forgot to submit his timecard for work and it was due today.  I wanted to help him but he backed away and held up has hands.  "I got it, Mom," he said.  "I got it."  

Ughhhh.  I hope he does.  Even if he doesn't, it's all part of life.  He will learn.   In the meantime, I look forward to having him come home for winter break in a few days when the torment of finals is finally over.   I also look forward to giving him a haircut.  It's the least I can do.

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