Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lesson Plans

December 18 -- I spent the day today doing research and creating my lesson plans for this week.  I know the kids are going to be off the wall since it's the week before a holiday break but I want to know what I am talking about when I am up in front of them no matter what mood they are in.  And that requires doing research.  The weird thing is that today (earlier in the day) I felt like I had things totally under control...I thought I would be creating my plans faster than ever.  What a joke.  I never finish quickly.  There is just too much to juggle and I am slow, slow, slow.  For example, I might be looking for something to start Act II of the Crucible and so I do some research.  And oh, how cool, I find something to give the students even more information about the play and about the Salem Witch trials.  (Like the different ways they tortured people to see if they were witches.)  So I create a hand out.  But when I go back to my plans, I realize I have to juggle a few things to make it fit.  And so I have to re-do the plans, put the quiz on another day...and so on and so forth until whoa, it's another hour gone by.  Ughhhh.  But at the end of the night when I am done, it feels so good to have things in order, to be excited about the coming week.  (sort of anyway!)

I am doing something with my seniors this week that nobody has done before.  We are using the auditorium to show film trailers which they made and showing them to an audience of nearly 80 sixth graders.  (who will judge them!)  I am so excited and nervous at the same time.  But I think it will be a totally cool experience that they will remember... for a while anyway!

I read a quote tonight that made me think about this funky new project.   It has to do with laughing at new ideas.  Not that anyone has laughed at me but I have gotten a couple of funny looks.  Anyway,the quote goes like this:  “If people are not laughing at your dreams at least once a week, you are aiming too low.” Robin Sharma.     (Something to think about anyway!)

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