Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I am blue...and the eggs don't stop!

December 6 -- I don't know what it is about the third week before a holiday but I swear I felt like this three weeks before Thanksgiving -- I am in such a bad mood!  And it is not just a day long thing...it's like this week is moving at the speed of molasses!  Thank God Larry canceled Tessa's trumpet lessons so Brian didn't have to take her and he was able to take Riley to basketball practice (and I stayed home to correct papers -- woo hoo.)    But tomorrow is just as full with stuff and ughhhhh, my students are being so annoying, especially my seniors!  Nobody is doing their work and I have this one student with a snotty, weird demeanor all of a sudden and I just don't feel like dealing with it.  Problem with teaching English is that you have to have conversations with the kids -- yuck.  I just want to sit at my desk and surf the internet!

Whatever.  I feel like I am making absolutely no sense.  I am just so sick of spending crazy sums of money to say, hey, I am celebrating Christmas.  And the list of charities to contribute to keeps growing and the chickens are laying so many freakin' eggs we can't find anybody to buy them.  So I have massive egg piles (all fresh, we get two dozen a day!!) on my counter.   I am too tired to sound the call and see if anyone wants them!

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