Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Falling Apart Continues...Got Glue?

December 21 -- So I had a total meltdown tonight on the phone with my mother.  She called me all crazy about how I have to go over TOMORROW to help her set the tables for Christmas Eve because my sister can only go tomorrow and can't come over on Friday with works better for me.  I can't go on THursday.  I just can't.  Luke wants to go with me to help and he is working tomorrow night and so like, NO.  So she starts yelling at me and I start yelling back which is totally stupid because I am 48 and my mother is 83 and she still gets on my nerves like I am frigging 16 again.  Which is just pathetic actually.

But I am tired and she is a pain in the ass even if she does have to take care of a man with Alzheimer's.  Seriously.  She like, hung up on me.  I was like, ummmmm, hello?  Are you really asking for my help cuz it sure as hell doesn't seem like it.  ughhh.

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