Sunday, December 4, 2011

I Play Hooky...hookie?

December 3 -- I was supposed to get so much correcting done this weekend.  But I didn't.  Best laid plans of moms and wives and teachers...fall aglay.  I suck.  Seriously?   I don't think I do.  What the heck, can't I take one weekend off?!  And I really didn't totally take it off.  I corrected some papers.  I did my plans for this week.  (technically only had to do plans for two classes since my freshmen are in the library doing research all week.)  But still...I got the plans done.  So what if I spent the day with Brian helping him shop for a new car.  (He totally needed my input.)  I brought papers along.  Got a couple of them corrected.  (only 42 to go!!)  So there is something done for teaching right?  And, after a stop at the mall, I got almost all of my Christmas shopping done!!  Hooray for sure.  Doesn't that count for something?   And then...well...I had to watch the Green Bay Packers extend their winning streak to 15 wins in a row didn't I?  I am sure that my support did much to help them beat the Giants.  It was such a close game, they really needed my cheers to guarantee a win.   haha.

All in all, I'd say it was a very productive the family/homefront anyway.  But in the teaching arena?   ughhhhhh.  I am going to have to kick some serious ass in the correcting department this week!  Oh well, such is life.

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