Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Watching a Movie...on a weeknight!

December 27 --  I watched Bridesmaids tonight with Luke and Connor and Brian.  On a Tuesday night nonetheless...and with Brian having to go to work tomorrow.  How radical!  Seriously, it felt so good to not have to worry about getting up early tomorrow.  I am doing nothing right now and it feels awesome.  Okay, not nothing.  Today Tessa and I cleaned out her drawers and closet and swept and vacuumed (she still has dusting tomorrow -- I'm not talking about miracle work here after all.)  But it was great to do something that I have wanted to do for a long, long, time.  We filled four shopping bags with clothes that either she wouldn't wear anymore or didn't fit into.  Four bags!    I know it seems weird but I feel so much lighter now...I even started to tackle the folders and piles of papers on my desk in my office.  (but I didn't get very far.  I can't rush all of this hard work;  it's exhausting!!)

I can just see myself standing in front of a class and telling the kids what a great week I had because I purged and cleaned my daughter's room.  Hey, I never said I was normal did I??  :)

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