Friday, December 9, 2011

Tessa's Concert Caps the Week

December 9 -- and the week...comes to a close.  Finally.  Between migraines and grumpy kids and even grumpier teachers (that would be me) I cannot even believe I have two days off before I have to go back to that classroom of mine.  Never mind the fact that I have to work on Sunday doing plans and have to correct papers tomorrow and log in the grades because interims go out next week's in the convenience of my home.

What is killing me right now (besides the headaches) is that I watch the other teachers and I think that I am not working hard enough, not smart enough to come up with lessons to reach the kids.  I do know they are learning, I can see their enthusiasm, their effort in class and outside class (well...except for certain seniors who will remain nameless) but overall, I still don't know if I am pushing them hard enough.  If they will look back on this year and say, "yeah, my writing got better."  "I became a better reader."  See, one of the things that gets in the way is my very real desire to have them THINK better.  TO have them respect themselves and their abilities, to inspire them to believe in themselves.  That's what I want.  That's what I think of every day I stand in front of them.  Are they working to use their individual talents to make themselves better people?  HOw the hell do I know if I am helping them to do that?  I don't.  But I guess, for now, I don't stop trying.

And wow...Tessa's concert tonight was really nice.  It was cool to see my students up on stage with the chorus and the band.  Besides the fact that I almost passed out from exhaustion while we were waiting to hear them start, once the singers came on stage and the concert began...I was awake.  Appreciative of the talent.  It was, in fact, a perfect way to end a difficult week.

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