Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I've Got Nothing...

December 13 -- I truly have nothing to write about tonight.  I feel like my life is so complex right now, if I start thinking about it too intently, my brain freezes up.  And then if I talk about how I feel at the moment, I want to complain because I am so tired.  But I don't want to complain.  I am so sick of complaining.  Last week was a tough week at school.  This week is better.  But I still have my headache.  But I went to spinning tonight -- and it was great.  But then I came home and ate the coconut/walnut frosting on the German Chocolate cupcake one of my students gave me as an early Christmas present.  (The frosting was like the frosting my mom made when we were kids...it has evaporated milk in it.)  yeah.  So now I feel fat. Ughhh.  The pendulum swing of ups and downs!

On a good note, I went into my classroom tonight when Riley had basketball practice up at the school.  I asked Rich, the custodian, if he could let me in.  It was so quiet and I played my relaxing music on my laptop and I got sooooo much done!!  In one brief hour.  Psyched.  So that's a good thing.  Hmmmm.  Maybe I've got something after all.  :)

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