Saturday, December 3, 2011

Riley's LEgo Robotics Adventure

December 3 --  Spent the day at a local middle school where Riley and his teammates capped their 8 week long preparation with a great performance in the statewide Lego Robotics competition.  I have to say that it was an awesome experience for Riley.  He literally threw himself into the program going to school an hour early and staying two hours after school.  For the last two weeks, he did this every day.  The way he organized his research, created his product and lead his teammates was amazing.  The best thing though was watching all of the kids interact with each other today.  A motley crew, they are kids who would probably never really hang out with each other but when they worked together as a team, they all respected each other's "expertise" in the competition.    Since they are a young team, the students who were the lead robot programmers lacked the experience to get the team to the next level but they did win an award -- The People's Choice Award -- for being the team who seemed most like a team with great attitudes and excellent sportsmanship.  It was awesome.

I think the best part about it was seeing their brains at work...very cool.

Speaking of working brains...mine is so tired!!  But I stopped at Barnes and Noble tonight to get a copy of the latest Wally Lamb book for our upcoming book club meeting.  And they were sold out.  A shout out to my dear friend Lori who has a copy -- are ya done with it yet?!  Can I borrow it soon?!

I totally miss Lori.  Definitely one of the worst parts about working full time...

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