Friday, December 23, 2011

WInter Break Finally Arrives

December 23 -- I have realized that over the last couple of days I cannot complete sentences.  I start a comment and suddenly, mid-sentence, my voice kind of loses steam and suddenly, I can't even finish the sentence.  I am utterly exhausted and I honestly cannot remember ever being this tired.  I knew it would be hard to go back to work full time and maintain a somewhat firm grip on motherhood but wow... I am majorly out of shape.  For obvious reasons, this deficiency in stamina is highlighted during the holiday season which can tax the energy levels of even the most mellow and under-scheduled of moms.  

Tonight we finish wrapping gifts and then...tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  And my dad's birthday.  I saw him tonight when I went over to my parents to help set up for Christmas Eve dinner.  At one point I came downstairs and found him stealing some pretzels from the snack jar my mom has on the desk.  "Hey," I said, interrupting the theft. "I will see you tomorrow Dad."  And he looked at me, all confused.  "Why?  What's tomorrow?"  I just shook my head and smiled.  "Dad, it's your birthday."    He just laughed.  "Oh yeah?!"  he asked.   It's a fascinating concept to consider living a life where you have no clue you are getting older.  Not something I am living right now -- I am totally aware of my aging body and mind.  Now off to find the tape for wrapping...

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