Saturday, December 17, 2011

What Is The POint of Christmas Anyway?!

December 17 -- I do realize that I sound like a total Scrooge right now and I completely don't care because I am entirely disgusted with the whole Christmas gig.  I spent a ton more money today buying...I really don't know what I bought.  Since Brian's birthday was in November, I used up all of my creative gift picking strategies and I honestly have like, nothing left for Christmas.  I walked up and down the aisles of the store this afternoon literally throwing random things into my cart to give him.  It was stupid.  And I am stressed.  And that's why I keep asking myself, what is the point of Christmas? Yes, it's Jesus Christ's birth.  Then...why are we buying each other gifts?  Why aren't we just buying Jesus some gifts?  I'm pretty sure He could use a new wallet...or maybe an iPod.  Listen to some music and chill...

Seriously.  I am so anxious about what to buy for everybody.  This year, Connor and my niece both turned 16.  So they are off the kid gift list.  But Tessa heard that my sister bought Connor a "little something" so now, of course I have to buy a "little something" for my niece.  So today, I spent -- no lie-- nearly an hour searching for the right "little something."  I stood there, at Marshalls, in the Bath and Spa aisle trying to decide between a bottle of hair conditioner (a deep conditioning masque) and a soap from France with a built in loofah.  It was agonizing.  And a complete waste of time.  I ended up buying the damn conditioner and, fearing I wasn't spending enough, threw in some soap/mousse thing.   So crazy.  Woohoo, best time of the year.  Not.

The only thing I am looking forward to is having a nice meal with my family, hanging out with the kids, and not getting up early for work for a whole week.  Yayyyyy.    But now I have to think about Christmas cookies.  Crap.   I am soooooo not baking this year.  No way.

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