Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cookie Boss

December 22 -- I am so grateful to TLC (I think it's TLC) and its show, Cake Boss.  Tessa and RIley were addicted to it last summer and they are constantly watching the new shows when they get a chance.  The result is that Riley has decided he is a mini Buddy.  Except Riley's specialty is cookies instead of cakes.  I just knew my lack of baking interest was killing him, especially with the holidays approaching.  So for the last two days I have been determined to set aside time at night to bake cookies.  He is such a hoot with his "new concoctions."  I especially liked his butterscotch rice crispy morsels with a "ganache" (his word) topping.  Tessa was like, "ummmm hello Riley, that is NOT ganache."   He just grinned and quietly hid the Toll House chocolate morsel bag behind the napkins.

So now I have about 60 chocolate peanut clusters cooling on the counter.  Tomorrow morning I will pack them and put them into the freezer.  I feel like I am FINALLY getting into the holiday spirit.  Riley and I wore our Santa hats and cranked up the volume on the Christmas tunes while we baked and cleaned the kitchen.  Now I am sitting by myself in the office.  Luke is still at work, Brian is out and the other kids are in bed.  As I write this, Lily is lying asleep near my feet and the Mannheim Steam Orchestra is belting holiday tunes out of my one remaining (working) stereo speaker.  Ho, ho, ho.

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