Friday, December 30, 2011

Almost a Year!!

December 30 -- I can't believe it's been a year since I started this blog.  So much has happened in this past year -- I started a new job, my oldest went off to college, we started to PAY for college, our house had a series of "falling apart" dramas (which unfortunately seem to be continuing!) and many other things.  But mostly the year seems like a total blur.  Which, in a way, is a good thing about this blog.  Even though I missed some days (tired, out late, on vacation and, of course lacking power during the October/November power outage) there are lots and lots of entries which provide testimony to a year filled with many wonderful (and not so wonderful things.)

The older I get, the more I feel like a I am losing my ability to remember what happens in my life.  That makes me sad.  So I guess I am really, really glad I did this project.  Not sure if I will continue it...but i have to say that the one thing it does do is that it forces me to write.  Something that I really love to do.  So maybe I will push myself to keep on writing.  We'll see...

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