Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This Week is Moving Like Molasses

December 7 -- Yes.  I do realize that the last few blog entries (okay, maybe more of them then the last few) are all rather negative.  wtf.  I'm tired, I'm cranky, I have a lot to do and the kids at school (not my freshmen) are acting like losers.  Okay.  If I had to fine tune that assertion, I would say it was my seniors who were being the losers.  They aren't reading, they are way too disrespectful.  All of a sudden, they are horrendous.  And we are in the middle of a new project so I am having a really hard time reigning them in. The nature of the work they are doing requires flexibility on my part.  Screw that.  haha.

Seriously though, they are just annoying.  And I am annoyed.  This week, I don't like my job. The priest at the CCD service I took Connor to tonight said to write a list of gratitude.  Hmmmmmm.  I certainly can think of lots of stuff.  I'm just not in the mood right now.

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