Friday, December 2, 2011


December 2 -- Just in time for the holiday craziness, I got my first migraine headache since I started teaching.  It started yesterday -- they typically last for two or three days.    I have been lucky actually;  I usually get them every month.  During the summer, I mentioned the headaches I get to my doctor and she told me they were hormonal migraines.  She prescribed a pill but I never took them.  Till this morning.  Thank goodness I had them because I was able to get through the day of teaching.  But now my vision is blurry...the pain is back again.  I don't know why though, I feel my headaches aren't as bad as other people's.   It hurts but if I close or squint my eyes, I can still function. This probably makes no sense at all but maybe that's because it feels like someone is hitting my right eye with a ball peen hammer.    I truly have lost the ability to think straight.


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