Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Boring" Thursday...!

December 8 -- Thursday is over...yay.   What a ho hum day -- another basic day in the la la life of Tania the Teacher.   Let's see...I had a migraine during the second half of the day, I only got yelled at once by the librarian, I only had to yell at my juniors once,  (for the record, I yelled "shut-up" and it felt really, really good),  I only had to console one sobbing student (I was so sad I wanted to cry myself), only had to hold back one crowd of boys who wanted to follow a boy down the hall to view a pending fight, only had to call the nurse one time to re-program the defribulator that was activated during lunch by a student, only had to ask one student about his t shirt with Jaegermeister written on it (school rules = no booze tshirts.)  All in all...what a boring day. Yawn.

But tomorrow is Friday, thank God.    Seriously.   I am grateful to God and the world and to all who made the passage of time actually happen.  This week needs to come to an end.  Amen.

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