Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day

June 19 --  Poor Brian.  Some Fathers Day morning.  We were up at 6am, getting Connor out of bed and showered so we could take him to camp.  With all the hullabaloo over Luke and graduation, it was all I could do to get Connor packed for his new adventure.  I never really had time to get sad about him being gone for a month.  (minus a day off every couple of weeks or so.)

So we couldn't really let Brian sleep in and wake up to breakfast in bed.  It was more like him getting up and making the coffee and then dragging me out of bed.  But Connor gave him his card before we left.

When we got to camp, Connor seemed excited.  It was weird.  He and Brian walked like 15 steps in front of me the whole time we were there.  I couldn't get the energy to walk quickly alongside the two of them.  Besides, it was kind of nice watching them walk along -- Connor is as tall (ha) as Brian...

After I kissed Con goodbye and got into the car, I started to cry.  That seems to be how it hits me these days.  I am fine and then the second I sit in that sit and start to drive away, I lose it.  But when he called tonight, he was sooooo excited!  I guess his campers are awesome.  He already has one camper who, whenever he starts to walk away goes..."Connor...hey Connor, where are you going?"   I guess the youngest camper in his group is in his twenties but he still kept saying, "my kids."  Too cute.  And then he goes, " I feel like a parent!" Ha.   I can only wonder how he will feel after two weeks with this group.  But it was 10pm and he "had just gotten the campers to sleep" and he and his counselor buddies were heading out to play some basketball.  So far so good!  (and I think Luke is going to really miss going this year but as he says, "it's time to explore some other type of work.")

And as for Brian, we took him to the pond/lake and he slept for over an hour in the sun.  So it wasn't such a bad Father's Day after all.

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