Friday, June 3, 2011

Fruit Flies Etc.

June 3 -- As if we don't have enough weird stuff on our plate, the house has just exploded with an invasion of fruit flies.  Usually they are confined to the kitchen if a banana gets too ripe but noooooo they are everywhere -- most notably in my office.  They are driving me bonkers!

So I went on line and found a home remedy -- putting out a bowl of cider vinegar with dish soap.  As I type this, I am feeling kind of nauseous from the smell.  Drinking white wine at the same time probably isn't helping too much either.

with all the drama of Tessa's 8th grade dance today -- I don't care.  I need the wine!

Hopefully, this cider vinegar/dish soap thing works because I am just going insane with these bugs.

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