Monday, June 20, 2011

Solicitations at the Drugstore et al

June 20 -- Today, I went to CVS to return ummm, like five boxes of tampons.  I was annoyed because last week I bought them in a fit of trying to be organized and when the cashier handed me the receipt there was a 30% off coupon with a $4 off a total purchase coupon and I was like, huh?!  I just bought all this stuff and now I get the percentage off coupon?  I rarely spend money at CVS so I was bummed.

Anyway, I decided I would return the stuff and keep the coupon and tomorrow I will go to another CVS with my coupon and buy them again.  Pain in the neck, I know but worth it to save the $15.

So I was standing there today, waiting my turn and was watching the lady before me ring out.  When it came time to pay, the cashier asked her, "would you like to donate a dollar to...?"  I don't remember whom the cause was for.  It's always something deeply sad.  Like, curing cancer for children whose parents are dying too.  Or, finding a cure for babies with AIDS who also have asthma and were born with only four toes.  And the cashier asks in this "I am doing something great for the world and don't you want to join my bus" sing songy voice so that when you quietly shake your head "no" you feel like a total loser.  "No thank you," I always say.  And then I think to myself, really?!  You really don't want to help children with cancer whose parents are dying too?  Omigod I think, I am so awful.  But I just HATE (and I rarely use that word unless I really mean it) being solicited at the store when I have JUST spent like a ton of money on stupid tampons or household cleaner or acne medication.  When I donate to others, I want to do it on my own time.

I just wonder, why do stores get to do this to the general public?  What is management thinking when they initiate the "please ask for more money for a non-profit" rule amongst the cashiers?  Do they think it looks good? That it's good public relations?  Because I think it isn't.  I think it creates many moments where people feel crappy about saying no to helping others because they are totally skeeved about spending a lot of money cream or cough medicine or suntan lotion, to name a few totally stupid items which are over-priced for sure.  I know they are only asking you to spend one more dollar but really...the judgmental do good for others because CVS (or Target or Walmart or...whomever) does good for others seems so preachy.  So,  bossy.  I don't know.  It just doesn't seem right.

Something to think about anyway...

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