Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Reaching For Goals --Why do we do that??!

June 22 --  This date will forever go down in my memory for a number of reasons.  I reached for a goal.  And heard if I got it.  And I it the right goal for me?  Have I totally screwed up my life?  I have a nice, somewhat complicated but still manageable life.  I get enough sleep, eat decently enough, have energy to go to the kids sports games, go to the gym, and still have a few hours for work.  hmmmm.  why rock the boat?

Yeah.  Million dollar question for sure.  Why change??  Why?   I am a walking stomach ache right now, a vision of emotional chaos and indecision -- I don't know what I want and for someone who designs and knows how to pick the right furniture, color, book etc... it annoys the hell out of me when I can't figure out my next step.  I guess as a control freak, I want it to be right in my hand where I can turn it over and look at it.  But you can't do that with the future.  I really have to trust in God on this one.  Seriously.  Lord help me.  Please.

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