Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Little Order Amidst the Chaos

June 29 -- The guys started today with the renovation work to repair all of the damage we incurred this winter. Basically, most of the stuff is easy -- replacing sheetrock, adding back insulation -- except for the removal of the popcorn ceiling.  Wow.  What a mess.

Even though there are lots of plastic sheets covering everything, there is still dust on the floors, the counters, the cabinets.  It's totally gross.  And it won't end for days.

So I spent the night upstairs finally switching over my clothes from winter to summer.  What I love the most about finally finishing that job is weeding through the clothes and giving away bags of stuff I will not wear anymore.  That's the best.  So yeah, while the downstairs is covered in a white powder that won't come up no matter how often I sweep the floor, at least my clothes closet is in order once again.

Next target -- the office!

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