Saturday, June 18, 2011

Luke's Graduation Over, Yay!

June 18 --  We had Luke's graduation party today -- it was a gorgeous day for it, sunny and warm but not too hot.  Brian and I worked late last night  to get everything ready.  The kids helped a lot too.  And now it's over.  I am exhausted but so glad it's done!

I think, because I have been running around the clock, I haven't had a lot of time to actually register the fact that Luke is done with public school.  But talking to all of the parents of college aged or recent college graduates at my nephew's college graduation party tonight made me even more excited for Luke going away to school.  Everyone is doing very exciting and interesting things.  I just think about Luke at college with all of those opportunities and new found independence.  He is going to be like a kid in a candy shop.  I just hope he knows how to exercise a form of balance...

But for now -- it's summer vacation.  Hooray!

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