Sunday, June 5, 2011

I Have No Time!!

June 5 --  I cannot even believe there is less than two weeks left of school.  THe idea of Luke graduating, Tessa graduating from much to do and so little time!  Truly, I feel like I am standing in the ocean and I can see this really big wave coming toward me and so I stand in the sand and brace my legs, preparing my body to take the hit.

One thing that I keep doing is coming back to the "now" whenever I feel the now familiar tightening in the stomach, the rushed breath when I think about all that has to be done in the next two weeks. Never mind the fact that I have another writing deadline with work so quickly after the last one.

And so it goes.  Even writing about it in this blog is sending my blood pressure up.  So I take my breath, and remind myself that all I have right now is this moment.  THis absolute very moment.  And I try to advise myself not to get caught up in the "content" but to appreciate and observe the "space" surrounding the content.  Planning the party?  Going to all the end of year meetings, celebrations, etc.?  Content.  Breathing, and appreciating the comments, the beautiful weather?  Space.  That's what is important.  My children are moving ahead, as my dear friend Laura reminded me so long ago.  "How can we be sad about their graduations, their new college adventures?  They are moving in the right direction."  This is what she said to me when I asked her how she felt dropping off her oldest at college.  ANd I will never forget her words.  It's true.  The gift is watching their growth.  And not getting too caught up in how they got there.

One day at a time.  One moment at a time.

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