Tuesday, June 7, 2011


June 7 --  I would just like to point out that today is my 166th entry.  Man. That's actually a lot of entries.  Seriously.  I am almost half way through the year.  I rock.  haha.

Here is the scary part.  Just now, when I was trying to figure out how close I was to the half way point, I couldn't remember how many days there were in a year.  I had to yell upstairs and my 15 year old yelled back the information.  I freak myself out - truly.  But here is what I think.  Old age and wisdom go hand in hand and,  because time goes by so friggin' fast, who really cares how many days there are in the year?! Seriously.  At this point, I know that I need to take each day one at a time.  What use is it to me to know how many days there are until it is June 7th again?  My mind, in it's infinite wisdom, discards information that is really unnecessary for ensuring my happiness on this planet.

But sometimes I forget things that, when remembered, are amazing gifts.  Like Cindy's high school nickname, Hoss.  For some reason, she ended a "Fab 5 " email tonight with her old nickname.  I burst out laughing.  Not only did I completely forget her nickname, I cannot remember at all how she got it!  But it was awesome nonetheless to go back to those days so long ago and visualize how we teased her with her nickname.

Connor asked me tonight not to yell.  He said it turns off his attention.  My response?  Fine.  Let him be the mother.  Let him sweat all the details.  Then I can relax.  I can go to bed early with a book instead of making sure that the laundry is folded, the dishes are washed, that Luke is inside and going to bed.  (As I write this at 10:30pm, he is outside by the fire pit with a lit citronella candle and his outdoor speakers blaring.)  Fine.  Let Connor be me.  See what happens to his memory!

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