Saturday, June 11, 2011

Germany's Nudist Hiking Trail

June 11 --  I read today that in Germany, they just opened up their first nudist hiking trail.  Interesting.  When I think about the logic of having a nudist hiking trail,  I can't help but think that Congressman Wiener should take a little trip to Germany and try it out.  What the heck, he is asking for a leave of absence anyway so I think it would be a perfect way for him to ummmm, center himself and sort through this bizarre urge to expose his "junk" to others via electronic media.

Here's the deal.  He won't go.  I am kidding myself if I think that Wiener actually has the courage to face people in person with his (pardon the term) wiener hanging out for all to see.  With the advent of the computer age, with texting and sexting and tweeting and skyping and blah, blah, blah,  people who have this urge to be bold, can do it -- as long as they don't have to see people face to face while doing "it."  For example, even kids are bolder when they text or facebook then when they have to speak intimately in a face to face situation.  More 8th grade dance date proposals were exchanged in Tessa's class this year than ever before.  Why?  Because the boys would text their questions.  And the girls could reply in-kind.  I asked Tessa if she thought the boy who asked her would have done it if he had to ask her face to face.  Her answer?  "No way!"    My point exactly.

So I wonder, who exactly would want to hike naked?  The thought of exposed body parts swaying in a rhythm syncopated by ones hiking stride and red welt marks from insect bites and rashes from sun and sweat appearing in weird places normally covered by conventional hiking clothes kind of freaks me out.  I can't even imagine the idea of feeling so unprotected from protruding sticks and dusty grime.  Ugghhh.  Really weird.  Really.  But it does sound like a "Wiener-ful" vacation eh?! haha.

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